• Chewing Foods for Longer Periods may Help Curb Appetite

    Updated: 2012-12-30 12:16:45
    Christmas is normally one of those rare moments when you allow yourself to indulge whatever is on the dinner table. This means scarfing down that extra helping of turkey and following up with a large plate of pie with a […]The post Chewing Foods for Longer Periods may Help Curb Appetite appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog : NaturalBuy.com.

  • Changes in the Nutrition Label for 2013

    Updated: 2012-12-23 13:05:21
    Maybe you look at them, maybe you don’t. However, for health buffs, the nutrition label is an integral piece of information that determines whether a particular type of food should go in their shopping cart. Some experts, however, agree that […]The post Changes in the Nutrition Label for 2013 appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog : NaturalBuy.com.

  • Bladder Cancer Basics Bladder Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:09:02
    Bladder Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Bladder Cancer Basics Symptoms of Bladder Cancer When cancer affects the bladder the organ in the body in which urine is stored the immediate effects aren't always obvious . In many cases , the symptoms of bladder cancer are mistaken for incontinence or infection , or dismissed as random aches and pains . Bladder cancer is curable in most cases , but if it isn't caught early , it can spread outside the bladder wall and to other parts of the body . The first sign of bladder cancer is often blood in the urine , but frequent urges to urinate , a burning sensation while urinating , and pain in the pelvis and lower back may also be causes for concern . Learn to recognize these common symptoms of bladder . cancer More Bladder Cancer :

  • Breast Cancer Basics Breast Cancer Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:59
    Breast Cancer Basics Diagnosis Prevention Treatment Management Caregiving Breast Cancer Basics What Is Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer found in women in the United States . Overall , you have a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in your lifetime . Most breast lumps are not caused by cancer , but are due to fibrocystic changes in the breast tissue , related to changing hormone levels over the menstrual cycle . Breast cancer can begin in the ducts that carry breast milk to the nipple , in the lobules or glands that make the breast milk , or in other breast tissues . The most common type of breast cancer , invasive ductal carcinoma , spreads into breast tissue from a milk passage or duct . Although breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death

  • Colon Cancer Basics Colon Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:58
    Colon Cancer Basics Prevention Treatment Management Caregiving Colon Cancer Basics Understanding Colon Cancer Colorectal cancer , a collective term for cancer that starts in the colon or rectum , is the third most common cancer in the United States . It usually begins as a polyp a clump of tissue in the colon or rectal lining that grows slowly over many years . More widespread cancer screening and removal of these polyps have led to a decrease in the death rate from colorectal cancer over the past 15 years , but many people still avoid these important preventive measures . Get the facts on colorectal cancer from the American Cancer . Society Ask a Colon Cancer Expert Got questions We have . answers Get the facts from Saeed Sadeghi , MD . Colon Cancer News Keep on top of the latest .

  • Esophageal Cancer Basics Esophageal Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:57
    Esophageal Cancer Basics Therapy and Treatment Management Prevention Caregiving Esophageal Cancer Basics Understanding Esophageal Cancer Esophageal cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer that affects the esophagus the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach , and aids in the digestion process by carrying food to your stomach . There are two types of esophageal cancer and each has known risk factors . Because esophageal cancer is most treatable in its early stages , it's important to know the warning signs if you have risk . factors Learn all about esophageal . cancer More on Esophageal Cancer : Basics Why Is Esophageal Cancer on the Rise Types of Esophageal Cancer There are several different types of this cancer , some more common than . others Get the facts Esophageal Cancer

  • Basics Kidney Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:56
    Kidney Cancer Basics Treatment Management Caregiving Kidney Cancer Basics What Is Kidney Cancer According to the American Cancer Society , there will be roughly 58,240 new cases of kidney cancer in the United States in 2010. One of the 10 most common cancers in both men and women , kidney cancer is often found in people over 55. While there are numerous types of kidney cancer , renal cell cancer accounts for nine out of 10 cases . Get the facts about kidney cancer from the American Cancer . Society More on Kidney Cancer : Basics Telling Others About Your Kidney Cancer Diagnosis Talking to Children About Kidney Cancer Kidney Cancer Support Looking to talk to someone with kidney cancer Visit our kidney cancer group The Emotions of a Cancer Diagnosis Feeling shocked , guilty , angry , or

  • Lung Cancer Basics Lung Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:54
    Lung Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Caregiving Lung Cancer Basics What Is Lung Cancer Lung cancer is the No . 1 cause of cancer deaths for women and men in 2010, nearly 160,000 individuals will die of the disease . Smoking is the biggest risk factor , followed by radon exposure and secondhand smoke . As lung cancer can take years to develop , it's commonly found in those over age 45. There are two types : non-small cell and small . cell Read this American Cancer Society article on lung . cancer More on Lung Cancer : Basics Do Lung Cancer Scans Do Any Good Later-Stage Lung Cancer Symptoms Lung Cancer Support Looking to talk to someone with lung cancer Visit our lung cancer group Can Diet Prevent Cancer Dr . Ed Zimney dishes on cancer-fighting substances . Watch the video to

  • Liver Cancer Basics Liver Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:54
    Liver Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Liver Cancer Basics Understanding Liver Cancer What is liver cancer Unlike secondary liver cancer , which begins elsewhere in the body , primary liver cancer begins in the liver , the largest body organ . In the United States , liver cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death in men and the ninth most common in women . Most cases of liver cancer occur in people ages 45 and older , and the rates of this disease are about twice as high in African-Americans , Hispanics , Asian-Americans , and Pacific Islanders as in whites . Certain factors can increase a person's risk of liver cancer , including being infected with hepatitis B or C or having . cirrhosis Read more about liver . cancer Steroids and Liver Cancer These illegal

  • Ovarian Cancer Basics Ovarian Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:48
    Ovarian Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Ovarian Cancer Basics Ovarian Cancer Causes and Risk Factors Like several other reproductive cancers in women , ovarian cancer occurs mainly in women over age 55. Although researchers are still investigating the causes of ovarian cancer , there are certain risk factors that have been linked to epithelial ovarian cancer , the most common type . In addition to age , these include being obese not having had children using estrogen or hormone replacement therapy or having a family history of ovarian , breast , or colorectal cancer . Health behaviors that are linked to a lower risk of ovarian cancer include using birth control pills , undergoing tubal ligation or hysterectomy , or having an oophorectomy ovary removal Learn more from the

  • Pancreatic Cancer Basics Pancreatic Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:47
    Pancreatic Cancer Basics Treatment Management Caregiving Pancreatic Cancer Basics Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer strikes the pancreas , part of the digestive system located behind the stomach . The pancreas contains cells that produce juices to break down fats and proteins and insulin to balance blood sugar content . Although experts don't know what causes pancreatic cancer , there are some risk factors that have been linked to the disease some of which can be controlled for example , smoking and some that can't age , family history It is an especially deadly type of cancer only about 2 of every 10 people with pancreatic cancer live at least one year after they are diagnosed . However , it is also relatively rare . The lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer is

  • Prostate Cancer Basics Prostate Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:46
    Prostate Cancer Basics Treatment Prevention Management Caregiving Prostate Cancer Basics What Is Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in the United States . Over a lifetime , one in every six men will develop cancer in the prostate the gland that produces semen . Although experts don't know exactly what causes prostate cancer , certain risk factors are linked to the disease . Men over age 65, African-American men , and those with a family history of prostate cancer are at greater risk of developing this cancer . However , most of the time , prostate cancer grows very slowly , and many older men who have prostate cancer will die of other causes . Also , advances in treatment and research mean that prostate cancer is being caught and treated at earlier

  • Skin Cancer Basics Skin Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:45
    Skin Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Skin Cancer Basics When Cancer Strikes the Skin The exact cause of skin cancer is unknown , but early detection and lifestyle changes can help people live longer , healthier lives . Protect yourself with the information on the following pages starting with an overview of the three different types of skin cancer . Learn more about the different types of skin cancer and how they can affect your . health More on Skin Cancer : All About Basal Cell Carcinoma Understanding Squamous Cell Carcinoma A Guide to Sunblock Learn about other forms of cancer Prevent Skin Cancer These 10 tips could save your life Skin Cancer on the Rise Despite increased awareness , the rates of skin cancer diagnosis continue to go . up Find out what's behind this increase

  • Testicular Cancer Basics Testicular Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:44
    Testicular Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Testicular Cancer Basics What Is Testicular Cancer Testicular cancer is cancer that forms in the testes , the egg-shaped glands inside a man's scrotum that manufacture sperm and testosterone . Although it's relatively rare , testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer among young men ages 15 to 34. But while the occurrence of any cancer can be frightening and unsettling , testicular cancer is rarely fatal . In more than 95 percent of cases , testicular cancer can be cured . Get the facts on testicular . cancer My Life : Scott Hamilton The Olympic gold medalist is a testicular cancer . survivor Read his inspiring interview Testicular Cancer Blogs Are you or is a loved one coping with a testicular cancer diagnosis Start a free

  • Uterine Cancer Basics Uterine Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:42
    Uterine Cancer Basics Diagnosis Treatment Management Uterine Cancer Basics Uterine Cancer and Menopause Uterine cancers cancers that begin in the uterus , or womb are the most common reproductive cancers in women . They're also much more likely to occur after age 50. Although experts aren't sure why post-menopausal women are at increased risk for uterine cancer , there are some theories . Research has pointed to hormone replacement therapy with estrogen , as well as the breast cancer drug tamoxifen . If you have undergone menopause and are concerned about your risk of uterine cancer , it's important to maintain a healthy weight , control type 2 diabetes if you have it , and keep an eye on your blood pressure . Remember that uterine cancer is very treatable if detected at an early stage ,

  • 8 Common Cancer Myths Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:42
    8 Common Cancer Myths Cancer myths tend to gain a life of their own , but knowing the truth can help you better protect yourself or make wiser treatment . choices By Dennis Thompson . Jr Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH Cancer was once a word only said in whispers , and even today , many people cite a cancer diagnosis as one of their greatest fears . Perhaps that's why so many myths and rumors about cancer still exist . But these false beliefs — some fueled by bad information , others as outgrowths of fear — do nothing but increase anxiety . Whatever their source , these cancer myths can be very damaging as they spread . They can distract you from protecting yourself against known cancer causes , instead drawing your focus to things that have no impact on your chances

  • Spotting Common Cancer Symptoms Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:41
    Spotting Common Cancer Symptoms Different types of cancer display different cancer symptoms , but some warning signs are common among various kinds . By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH Worried about a strange , persistent pain in your abdomen , an unusual lump , or a feeling of utter exhaustion Certain types of cancer have specific warning signs , while others may mimic common illnesses like the flu . These signs may all seem like minor , harmless ailments , but taken together they could point to cancer . Cancer Symptoms : Warning Signs for Men Many types of cancer , including prostate cancer may not cause signs or symptoms in their early stages . If you’re at high risk for prostate cancer — for example , if you’re of African-American descent or have a

  • Cancer Stages Cancer Treatment EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:40
    Understanding Cancer Stages The numbering system known as cancer staging helps doctors determine how the cancer is developing in the body and which treatments to use . By Eric Metcalf , MPH Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines , MD If you have been diagnosed with cancer one of the important things you'll learn about your disease is its stage . Cancer stages are a way for doctors to describe how serious your disease appears to be . Doctors define stages of cancer by doing a physical exam , looking inside your body with X-rays and other types of devices , and analyzing samples of tumors . Cancer Stages In general , cancer stages go from 0 to 4, and are written in Roman numerals . These stages describe how large a cancer has become and whether it has spread or not . As cancer cells reproduce

  • Your Cancer Treatment Team Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:39
    Your Cancer Treatment Team The varied members of your cancer care team will help with both your physical and emotional . needs By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH Cancer doctors are vital members of any cancer treatment team , making the diagnosis and determining the most effective treatment for your particular cancer But other cancer specialists will also be on your team , from a cancer nutritionist , who will outline the best diet for you , to a social worker , who can connect you with support groups and even advise on how to manage your medical bills . Cancer Specialists : Team Members Here are some of the key cancer specialists that will be part of your cancer treatment team : The oncologist . This is the doctor who specializes in cancer treatment

  • Cancer Treatment Know Your Options Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:38
    : Cancer Treatment : Know Your Options While surgery , radiation , and chemotherapy are still the first-line treatments for most cancers , there are also new and emerging . approaches By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH When you are learning about cancer and evaluating what cancer treatment to undergo , it's important to understand your options , and the benefits and risks that each offers . Generally , cancer patients receive one of three types of cancer treatment : surgery , chemotherapy , or radiation therapy . It's also possible to receive a combination of any of those three types , in hopes of increasing the odds of getting rid of the cancer cells . Cancer Treatment Options : Surgery Pros and Cons If the tumor is large and easy to remove , surgical

  • Is a Cancer Clinical Trial Right for You Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:37
    Is a Cancer Clinical Trial Right for You Wondering if — and how — you should enroll in a cancer clinical trial Learn about the potential benefits and . risks By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH You’ve received a diagnosis of cancer , and you obviously want the best possible cancer treatment . You’ve heard about cutting-edge treatments available in some clinical trials for cancer patients , but you don’t want to take risks with your health . Should you look for cancer clinical trials to participate in Before you can make your decision , it's important to be informed about clinical trials for cancer and how they can benefit patients who are searching for the best cancer treatment . Cancer Clinical Trials : The Objectives Before a new drug , procedure ,

  • Know the Most Common Types of Cancer Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:35
    Know the Most Common Types of Cancer More than 200 types of cancer have been identified , but do you know which are the most common Learn about the 10 cancers that affect the most Americans each . year By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH It's estimated that more than 11 million people in the United States have some form of cancer There are more than 200 different types of cancer , although many are quite rare . The following are the 10 most commonly diagnosed cancer types in 2009 and the estimated number of cancer patients affected by each : Non-melanoma skin cancer Affecting more than 1 million people a year , skin cancer can form in the skin cells on any part of the body , though most commonly on skin that’s been exposed to the sun . There are several

  • A Cancer Glossary Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:34
    A Cancer Glossary Cancer has its own vocabulary mdash and learning the terminology can help you be better prepared for treatment and . recovery By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH Whether you want to be a better-informed cancer patient or a more knowledgeable caregiver to a loved one with cancer , use this cancer glossary to become familiar with common terms about cancer and the types of cancer . A Basic Cancer Glossary Adjuvant therapy : Therapy used in addition to the primary cancer treatment for instance , chemotherapy is often an adjuvant therapy to surgery , which is used to remove cancerous tissue . Benign : Harmless this adjective is used to describe a growth , or tumor , that is non-cancerous . Biopsy : Diagnostic procedure that involves taking a

  • Can You Really Prevent Cancer Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:34
    Can You Really Prevent Cancer You can reduce your risk of many types of cancer if you adopt a healthy lifestyle and take a few other precautions . By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH We all want to live long lives without the threat of disease , especially cancer . But is cancer prevention possible Actually , many different types of cancer , particularly some with the poorest prognoses , can be prevented — or at least the risk reduced — with simple lifestyle changes and precautions to keep your body healthy and protected from cancer And stay on top of cancer information , as studies are published on a regular basis . Cancer Prevention : Get Healthy Bad habits are called bad habits for a reason — they can lead to serious health problems , like cancer

  • Deciding on a Cancer Treatment Plan Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:31
    Deciding on a Cancer Treatment Plan Cancer patients have many options to choose from regarding their cancer treatment , including where to receive their cancer care . These suggestions can help you make the right cancer therapy . decisions By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH A cancer diagnosis will take time to absorb , but you will soon need to start making decisions about your cancer treatment : what type of cancer therapy to have and where to receive your cancer care . These can be daunting decisions , but are made easier with the following advice from a cancer expert and a cancer survivor . Cancer Treatment : Consider Your Type of Cancer Your decision starting points include the kind of cancer you have , how common it is , and the most widely

  • Biological Therapy for Cancer Treatment Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:30
    Biological Therapy for Cancer Treatment Biological therapy , often called immunotherapy , boosts the body's own defenses to help beat . cancer By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Cancer patients have broad options regarding the kind of cancer therapy they can receive : surgery , radiation , chemotherapy , and newer options like biological therapy . Biological therapy is an approach that boosts the body's own defense system to help the body heal itself . Cancer Treatment : Understanding Biological Therapy Biological therapy has many different names , including immunotherapy , biotherapy , and biological response modifier therapy . While biological therapy is designed to better help the body's immune system fight cancer , exactly how these treatments

  • Chemotherapy A Cancer Treatment Standard Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:29
    : Chemotherapy : A Cancer Treatment Standard Drug-based chemotherapy can be very effective against cancer , whether it's used alone or with another course of . treatment By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH If you have cancer chemotherapy could be your primary cancer treatment , or an adjuvant therapy , meaning it’s used in addition to surgery or radiation cancer therapy . Though its side effects can be severe , chemo , as it’s often called , can be a life-saving cancer treatment . The Power of Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that's been used since the 1950s to combat different types of cancer . Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells , which grow and multiply more quickly than healthy cells , and prevent these cells from replicating .

  • Chemotherapy 101 Cancer Treatment EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:28
    Chemotherapy 101 Chemotherapy is treatment with medications that kill cancer cells mdash it's typically administered as a combination therapy , which consists of more than one chemotherapy . medication By Amy Paturel Medically reviewed by Kevin O . Hwang , MD , MPH For more than half a century , chemotherapy has played a major role in cancer treatment . It's often oncologists' first line of defense against cancer either alone or in combination with surgery , radiation , or other therapies . Chemotherapy isn't just one thing , says Stephen I . Shibata , M.D . associate professor of medical oncology at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte , California . It's a variety of different treatments — all of which have different side effects and different potential benefits in terms of

  • Chemotherapy and Your Immune System Cancer Treatment EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:26
    Chemotherapy and Your Immune System There are tests that can help you find out when your immune system is weak , and steps you can take to keep yourself . healthy By Lisa Baertlein Medically reviewed by Kevin O . Hwang , MD , MPH Chemotherapy drugs work by killing the rapidly proliferating cancer cells that are making you sick . The downside is that they can also damage healthy white blood cells , which are normally the backbone of your immune system and are constantly replenished . A reduced white blood cell count , a common side effect of cancer treatment leaves you susceptible to infections , including those caused by bacteria , viruses , or fungi . If you are undergoing chemotherapy your blood work will probably show that your white cell count hits a low point , or nadir , between

  • Alternative Medicine for Cancer Treatment Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:24
    Alternative Medicine for Cancer Treatment Some cancer patients are adding yoga , acupuncture , and other alternative treatments to a traditional cancer treatment regimen . By Sara Calabro Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Cancer treatment is becoming more specific . Thanks to medical advances such as targeted therapies , immunotherapy , and hormonal therapy , many cancer types are being tackled with unprecedented precision , increasing remission rates , and improved quality of life . However , cancer remains a debilitating disease for many patients , some of whom are turning to complementary cancer therapies and alternative treatments in an effort to help boost their immune systems , reduce medication side effects , and lower stress levels . Estimates vary on the use of

  • Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:24
    Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment Radiation therapy , a common cancer treatment , is often effective at destroying tumors . Many factors will determine whether a particular cancer responds to radiation . therapy By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH The thought of putting radiation into your body for any reason may sound frightening , since we often hear about the dangers of radiation exposure and its potentially harmful effects . But for cancer patients , radiation therapy is a powerful ally in fighting cancer — and in safe , controlled amounts , the risks and side effects of this cancer treatment can be minimized . Radiation Therapy : Targeted Treatment Radiation therapy , which is also called radiotherapy , uses radioactive energy targeted at

  • Cancer Research Where the Funding Goes Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:23
    : Cancer Research : Where the Funding Goes Certain types of cancer , like breast cancer , tend to attract more research funding than others . By Dennis Thompson . Jr Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Billions of dollars are spent each year on funding research into various types of cancer . These dollars are plowed into different efforts , investigating cancer causes along with ways to improve cancer prevention , detection , and treatment . Much of this money is focused on specific types of cancer Yet the most prevalent forms of cancer don't always get the most cancer funding . A number of factors can sometimes route money from more widespread cancers and focus research dollars instead on other forms of the disease . Funding Research : Where Is The Money Going The National

  • Cancer Cure Cancer Treatment EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:22
    A Cancer Cure : Is It in Sight As more is learned about different types of cancer , researchers are optimistic that new treatments may make a cure for cancer a possibility . By Eric Metcalf , MPH Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines , MD Good news has been coming out lately about cancer treatment . In late 2007, the National Cancer Institute reported that treatment was improving survival time for people with many types of cancers , including those with breast and colon cancer , leukemia , and lymphoma . Research into new tools for diagnosing cancer and new treatments to attack it may be the source of even more good news in coming years . In some cases , doctors can already talk about a cancer cure . The goal really is cure . In today's world , the majority of women diagnosed with breast

  • Money Matters Cancer and Health Insurance Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:21
    : Money Matters : Cancer and Health Insurance For cancer patients , battling the disease is the first priority — but they also must deal with the realities of health insurance . By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Even if your health is the only thing on your mind after a cancer diagnosis the reality of bills , bills , bills soon becomes apparent . Even with health insurance , you could be paying for some portion of your cancer treatment , depending on your deductible and co-pays . Insurance and Cancer : Your Finances Cancer affects your life in many ways , including your budget and bank account . Here are some possible financial concerns that you may need to account for : Lost wages . Household bills and extra medical expenses may seem manageable when

  • Nutrition for Cancer Patients Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:19
    Nutrition for Cancer Patients When you have cancer , nutrition may take a back seat . But cancer patients need good nutrition as part of their cancer care to give their bodies a healthy boost during treatment . By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Cancer treatments like chemotherapy , radiation therapy , and surgery can make even the thought of eating turn a cancer patient’s stomach . However , good nutrition is a very important part of cancer treatment and good cancer care . Here’s how to make cancer nutrition a priority within your overall therapy . Cancer Care : How Good Nutrition Helps Although the ultimate goal is positive — to beat cancer cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can take a huge toll on the body . But good nutrition

  • Exercise and Cancer Treatment Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:19
    Exercise and Cancer Treatment Many cancer patients say their energy levels are low and that they lack motivation during cancer treatment . Exercise can help you feel better and improve your emotional outlook as . well By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin , MD , MPH You may not realize it when dealing with cancer side effects like fatigue , lack of appetite , and nausea , but exercise can be wonderful for cancer patients — it's actually a good idea to get moving . With cancer fitness is an important aspect of your recovery . Exercise and Cancer : Physical Benefits of Cancer Fitness If you can muster the energy and motivation to exercise , you will gain numerous physical benefits that will help in your recovery , including : Improved circulation with a reduced risk of

  • Sexuality During Cancer Treatment Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:15
    Sexuality During Cancer Treatment You can still experience intimacy while undergoing cancer treatment . Understanding the changes you may be experiencing will help ease concerns about your sexuality . By Diana Rodriguez Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH Cancer treatment can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life , including your sex life . Although intimacy and sexuality may not be top priorities for cancer patients at first , as cancer treatment goes on , it's likely to become an issue in your relationship . If you're prepared for some possible changes in your body and your libido , you won’t be surprised by changes in your sex life . Cancer and Sexuality : Intimacy Issues for Men Cancer treatment may result in a number of different side effects , which will vary

  • Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects Cancer Treatment Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:11
    Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects Though complications can occur in your body during cancer treatment , these tips can help you . cope By Eric Metcalf , MPH Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines , MD Chemotherapy taking medications designed to rid your body of cancer cells is an important cancer treatment for many people with the disease . Your doctor can choose from more than 100 chemotherapy drugs to fight your cancer according to the American Cancer Society ACS You'll probably use more than one of these drugs at a . time This type of cancer treatment kills cancer cells all over your body — but it can damage many healthy tissues in the process . The healthy cells that are most often affected by chemotherapy drugs include those in your bone marrow that make blood cells cells in your

  • 8 Ways to Avoid Post-Chemo Infections Cancer Treatment EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:10
    8 Ways to Avoid Post-Chemo Infections Even a mildly depressed white cell count can reduce the body's ability to fight off bacteria and a host of other . invaders By Amy Paturel Medically reviewed by Kevin O . Hwang , MD , MPH Chemotherapy destroys cancer cells . Unfortunately , it also kills healthy , infection-fighting cells at the same time , suppressing the immune system and thereby making patients more vulnerable to . infection Most chemotherapies will decrease the activity of your bone marrow , says Stephen I . Shibata , M.D . associate professor of medical oncology at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte , California . The drugs reduce the production of red blood cells , which may lead to anemia , and white blood cells , which can affect your immune system . Even a mildly

  • Cancer and Diet Cancer Center EverydayHealth.com

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:07
    Common Questions About Diet and Cancer Get the latest information about how diet and other lifestyle choices can affect cancer . risks By the American Cancer Society Print Email Tweet Because people are interested in the relationship that specific foods , nutrients , or lifestyle factors have to specific cancers , research on health behaviors and cancer risk is often widely publicized . No one study , however , provides the last word on any subject , and single news reports may overemphasize what appear to be contradictory or conflicting results . In brief news stories , reporters cannot always put new research findings in their proper context . Therefore , it is rarely , if ever , advisable to change diet or activity levels based on a single study or news report . The following questions

  • 10 Top Foods to Fight Cancer Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:05
    10 Top Foods to Fight Cancer The Anti-Cancer Diet : Foods to Fight Cancer Protect yourself from cancer by adding these anti-cancer foods to your . diet By Eric Metcalf Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines , MD 1 image An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy you can use to reduce your risk of cancer . The American Cancer Society recommends , for example , that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and eat the right amount of food to stay at a healthy weight . In addition , researchers are finding that certain foods may be particularly useful in protecting you from cancer Make room in your diet for the following foods and drinks to fight . cancer Anti-Cancer Diet : Garlic 2 image Several large studies have found that those who eat more garlic are less likely to

  • Supplements That May Fight Cancer Cancer Center Everyday Health

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:03
    Supplements That May Fight Cancer Boost Your Anti-Cancer Diet You may not get enough sun to reap vitamin D's exceptional cancer prevention benefits , and it's often difficult to get other beneficial nutrients from your diet alone . That's where supplements may come . in By Marie Suszynski Medically reviewed by Pat F . Bass III , MD , MPH 1 image A variety of different nutrients are crucial for your body to fight cancer , but the problem is that the American diet too often lacks what we need to stay in top health . It's the first time in history that we have calorie malnutrition , rdquo says Jacob Teitelbaum , MD , medical director of the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers in Kona , Hawaii , and a specialist in natural remedies . That means calories aren't in short supply , but nutrients can

  • Breast Cancer Blog Breast Cancer the Second Time Around

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:08:01
    : Breast Cancer Blog Suzette Lipscomb Breast Cancer the Second Time Around May 18, 2012 Breast Cancer Is Always There I hope this girl lives forever . I hope the cure shows up before she loses the fight . Comments 3 Add a Comment Full Entry March 6, 2012 Announcement : Support Group for Young Women With Breast Cancer Calling all young women age 45 and under with breast cancer in Orange County who would like to meet and participate in a support group designed especially for YOUR needs Comments 1 Add a Comment Full Entry January 17, 2012 Resolve to Evolve I'm not one of those New Year's resolution gals . It's not that I think I'm perfect I know I'm not . Instead , I spend all 365 days of the year trying to improve myself . Comments 7 Add a Comment Full Entry September 9, 2011 Andrea Mitchell

  • Breast Cancer Blog Life with Breast Cancer

    Updated: 2012-12-18 16:07:59
    : Breast Cancer Blog Kathy-Ellen Kups Life with Breast Cancer December 17, 2012 Are you making Decisions or just Choices about Treatment There is a difference between making decisions and making choices . Comments 0 Add a Comment Full Entry December 14, 2012 Venting about Tamoxifen It’s been over a week since we heard the news about Tamoxifen being more beneficial if taken for ten years instead of five . Comments 0 Add a Comment Full Entry December 6, 2012 Exciting News about Tamoxifen and Survival Rates The big news out of this year’s San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium is about the highly prescribed drug Tamoxifen . Comments 1 Add a Comment Full Entry November 19, 2012 Ongoing Worries about Breast Cancer Metastasis I have been experiencing a sharp pain on my right rib for the past couple

  • ‘GMA’ Tests Lipsticks and Lip Glosses for Lead

    Updated: 2012-12-05 12:14:51
    Good Morning America tested 22 lipsticks and lip glosses from drug stores and department stores for lead, and ran a story on the results and what they mean. – abcThe post ‘GMA’ Tests Lipsticks and Lip Glosses for Lead appeared first on Natural Health & Organic Living Blog : NaturalBuy.com.

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